Roxanne Schuster


The foods we eat are key, nutrition is number one but, illness or dis-ease is layered and their is rarely one reason why our health deteriorates.

 My hope is to encourage and strengthen your innate inner wisdom to learn and grow giving you the confidence you have been needing to take responsibility and become a conscious mindful consumer.  With this wisdom you will desire to take steps forward on a whole new journey of wellness.  Our bodies have everything they need to be strong and healthy.  We are the maestros and need to supply the correct environment to nurture and protect this beautiful and amazing temple we call body.  It is now well known that Genetics loads the gun, its our lifestyle choices that pull the trigger.


Nutrition Education

2008 Graduate Living Light Culinary Institute Fort Bragg, CA

Raw Culinary Arts Associate Chef and Instructor Certification

2014 Graduate Institute for Integrative Nutrition New York, NY

Nutrition Health Coach Certification

2023 Graduate Food for Life Instructor Program Training  PCRM Washington, DC

Licensed Instructor Certification



Let's Get Cooking

Food for Life Classes



Coming Soon.